Japanese Sleeve Tattoos - The Coolest Japanese Tattoo Designs For Men

Japanese Sleeve Tattoos - The Coolest Japanese Tattoo Designs For Men

A lot of guys out there these days are looking for something unique different and cool looking. Often guys get skulls, flames and sexy pinup girls as a sleeve tattoo design. However, recently there has been more and more men interested in Japanese sleeve tattoos. This is great because the Japanese have a long history of full body tattoos and therefore they are very advanced in their sleeve tattoos. These designs are cool and they make a great tattoo design for men also. Here are some ideas to help you get started on your own full sleeve tattoo design.

Koi Fish

Koi fish are an ever popular theme for sleeve tattoo designs. The beautiful oranges of the koi fish and the blue water background lend themselves to the perfect tattoo design for a sleeve. By wrapping the fish around the front of the arm the fish looks dimensional and really pops out and comes to life. Thus it makes a cool looking tattoo with a lot of life. However, more then that the Koi tattoo represent strength, power and individuality. It represents the struggle of going through life and striving to be better. You see the Japanese myth is that the koi fish try to swim upstream. Not all of them make it but the ones that make it to the golden bridge become dragons and fly off into the sky. This is a way cool symbolism and a deep meaning and the chicks will go wild with how thoughtful and deeply emotional you are when you show off your tat and explain why you got it and the dudes in the group will admire it as well.


Of course there is always the dragon. This is only second to the koi fish because dragons have been so common place. However, a powerful fierce dragon in red or black makes for the ideal tattoo design for men. It looks rough and tumble and ready to throw down or just breathe fire on a person. The dragon is a very mystical and mythical beast that is filled with all kinds of magic and great lore. The symbolism is of course of power and strength.


Samurai and gods are always very popular in traditional Japanese sleeve tattoos. These designs of course feature either fierce samurai in the heat of battle of gods fighting off evil spirits. Either way you end up with a way cool dude tattoo. What can be more guy then a man swinging a huge katana sword and slaying a dragon or a demon. It is the ultimate. The reason the Samurai is so popular in Japanese tattooing and traditional arts is that the samurai is seen to embed everything that is important to the Japanese male. The samurai carries the Japanese culture as well as being a strong and fierce warrior in battle yet is always mindful and follows the code of bushido. This is what every Japanese male wants to be deep down.

Hannya Masks

The Hannya mask was originally used in Kabuki plays in Tokyo. However, the masks were such beautiful yet haunting piece of artwork that they became stand alone pieces of art. Many Japanese would collect and display them in their house and they believe it would ward off evil spirits. The Hannya masked represents a scorned women that has been overcome by her rage that she has turned into an evil demon. These are also very popular in traditional Japanese tattoos and tattoo in the West. It is hard to make a full sleeve of one mask but it can easily be combined with other Japanese designs and symbols.

These are just a few of the many ideas and traditional Japanese sleeve tattoos. They all work very well in a tattoo for men and are becoming very popular. These designs have a deep symbolism behind them yet they still look cool and great for men. If you are thinking about getting a Japanese sleeve tattoo then you will want to look for a tattoo artist that specializes in Japanese art if possible.

Japanese Sleeve Tattoos - The Coolest Japanese Tattoo Designs For Men

Japanese Dragon Tattoos - Tips for Finding the Perfect Japanese Dragon Tattoo

Japanese Dragon Tattoos - Tips for Finding the Perfect Japanese Dragon Tattoo

Don't get Japanese Dragon Tattoos until you read this. After reading this short article, you will be more well informed and able to make a better choice when selecting your Design.

Let's begin. The dragon has long been an important symbol in Japanese mythology. The Japanese dragon is a fascinating creature with the head of a camel, eyes of a hare, horns of a deer, scales of a carp, paws of a tiger, and claws of an eagle. Additionally, Japanese dragons also commonly have long whiskers and a jewel under its chin.

Many people are attracted to the allure of these mystical creatures, but few people truly know what they symbolize. Japanese dragons, like their Chinese counterparts, are distinct from Western dragons. Whereas in Western culture they are depicted as evil and malevolent, dragons in Japanese Mythology are viewed as guardians of the imperial families. For this reason, many people chose the Japanese dragon to serve as a guardian and protector. In Japan, a dragon is normally called "Ryu" (You might recall Ryu from Street Fighter). These mythical beasts command a high level of respect since it is believed that the first emperor of Japan was descended from a dragon. In Japan, these creatures are also viewed as gods of lighting and thunder.

Popular locations for Japanese dragon tattoos include full back and upper arm designs. For upper arm designs, the dragon typically wraps around the arm, with the head extending onto the chest or back region. This however should not limit your decision on where to place this tattoo. The style and location of your design should be personal and unique, as these factors will ultimately determine the meaning of your tattoo.

Japanese Dragon Tattoos - Tips for Finding the Perfect Japanese Dragon Tattoo

Japanese Kanji Tattoos

Japanese Kanji Tattoos

Japanese Kanji Tattoos are fast becoming the most popular tattoo design. Japanese Kanji characters are so incredibly artistic and have such mystique that it seems as though they were created ideally for the purpose of tattoos. When you think about the best qualities of a tattoo many words come to mind such as symbolic, mysterious, and meaning.

The beauty of Japanese Kanji tattoos is that each Kanji symbol is an ideographic character, which means is represents an entire object/meaning/symbol. Japanese Kanji symbols have such elaborate definition; each stroke of the symbol must be done in the correct direction and order. Japanese Kanji Tattoos can easily represent nearly any meaning you want. Words such as love, peace, freedom, strength, unity are very popular Japanese Kanji tattoos, as well as loved one's names.

It is a good idea to research your Japanese Kanji Tattoo before visiting your tattoo artist. There are several reasons for this - firstly, Kanji is a different form of language to English, and if you were to choose a Kanji sentence, the order of the words will be in different order to English. Secondly, many tattoo parlors have Japanese Kanji tattoo designs which have been altered by westerners and you will not know until it is too late. Finally, some Japanese Kanji characters have several meanings, and you may think your symbol means one thing, where in fact it means something completely different. Luckily there are websites out there that can help you get the perfect translation.

Japanese Kanji Tattoos

Female Tattoos - What Women Want!

Female Tattoos - What Women Want!

Women have increasingly opted for larger tattoos. Hearts 'new school', stars, roses and tribal tattoo designs lower back is increasingly sought after by women. Women are certainly still in the experimental phase of shapes and sizes of their projects.

Stereotypes and stigma associated with tattoos prevented women from feeling comfortable with a tattoo until even a decade ago. They do not want to be told what they can and can not do. 40 or 50 years ago 10 percent of people with tattoos were women. Now it is nearly 65 percent.

Many tattooists report that when musicians, especially hip hop artists get tattoos, there is usually an influx of customers looking for specific tattoo.The the popularity of lower back and stomach placement of tattoos suggests that the Most women do not want their tattoos to be too sensitive and also the desire for a more sexual placement of the tattoo.

See erotic tattooing and Hip Hop and Rapper Tattoos for further reading.

When it comes down to it, that's what makes you feel good. His will be around for a while, then you might as well choose a tattoo that has timeless appeal. There are so many tattoo designs and custom parts a good tattoo artists can do today, so do not be tempted to get some cartoon character Betty Boop from "the wall", which will date quickly and end up looking tacky.

Female Tattoos - What Women Want!
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